
Jamaica St Thomas-in-the-East, Surrey 178 (Essex (?) and Wilmington)

30th Jan 1836 | 83 Enslaved | £1678 10s 0d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 299.

T71/867:claim by 'The Heirs and Executors of Wm Carter'. Counterclaims by 'Burage (sp?) Davenport of London, merchant, the Hon Samuel Jackson Dallas of Kingston his attorney', judgement creditor for 拢246 19s 11d; and Anna Carter 'only surviving executrix of Wm Carter and devisee and trustee under his will'. Anna Carter admitted the counterclaim for 拢246 19s 11d on 05/11/1835. On 27/01/1836 Chas Carter withdrew this admission and Geo. Green, official assignee of Mr Davenport, withdrew the counterclaim.

T71/1592 p 35 letter from Compensation Commissioners to Mrs Anna Carter, 17 Finegal Place, Edinburgh dated 17/5/1834 about the rules for claiming compensation [i.e. Carter was an early and alert claimant].

T71/1592: letter dated 24/03/1835 to A. Carter of 1 Sylvan Place, Edinburgh, on behalf of of Mrs Anna Carter re payment mechanisms.

T71/1200: counterclaim from Mrs Anna Carter, late of the above estates in the Island of Jamaica now residing in Edinburgh at 9 Preston St, Edinburgh, executrix of Wm Carter.

T71/150 p. 95: enslaved persons registered by Charles Scott as attorney to Mrs Anna Carter in 1832.

Further Information

St Thomas-in-the-East, Surrey
Claim No.
Essex (?) and Wilmington

Associated Individuals (3)

Beneficiary deceased
Unsuccessful claimant (consensual) (Judgement creditor)

Associated Estates (2)