
Jamaica Manchester 266 (Caen Wood)

28th Feb 1842 | 40 Enslaved | £827 12s 7d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Not listed in Parliamentary Papers.

T71/860: claim by Elizabeth Wood, as owner. Counterclaim from Duncan Robertson and Wm. Ridgard, as executors of David Morrice, judgement creditors. Counterclaim from John S. Hylton, for 16 enslaved persons in right of his wife Mary Susannah, who was tenant in fee in remainder under the wills of Robert Fowler and Rachel Amelia Fowler, after the life estate of Elizabeth Wood. Petty Vaughan and Edmund Francis Green were trustees for John Stannard Hylton and Mary Susannah (his wife), and were awarded 拢311 18s 4d on 28/02/1842, 'upon trust to pay the interest and dividends to claimant as tenant for life and after her death the principal to Hylton & wife'. Duncan Robertson et. al. collected the rest of the award (拢385 13s 5d), as executor of David Morrice, an executor of Edward Smith (a judgement creditor for 拢130 0s 10d).

T71/1606: letter, dated 22/03/1842, from Petty Vaughan, alluding to a transfer of stock of 拢340 8s 4d, plus 拢81 6s 6d interest: 'I presume there would be no objection to buying Mrs Wood's life estate and thus close the Trust?'.

T71/1189: letter from Petty Vaughan to Elizabeth Wood, stating that Petty Vaughan has a power of attorney, dated 07/05/1840, from the Hyltons, late of Kensington, Jamaica, but then of Philadelphia, USA. States also that a notice of counterclaim has been served on Elizabeth Wood in Jamaica.

Further Information

Claim No.
Caen Wood

Associated Individuals (6)

Beneficiary deceased (Judgement creditor)
Unsuccessful claimant (consensual) (Owner-in-fee)
Awardee (Trustee)
Awardee (Executor or executrix)
Unsuccessful claimant (consensual) (Tenant-in-tail or Remainderman)
Unsuccessful claimant (consensual) (Tenant-in-tail or Remainderman)

Associated Estates (1)