
Jamaica St Thomas-in-the-Vale 305 (Hillside? [none shown in T71/855])

17th Oct 1836 | 84 Enslaved | £1637 18s 8d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 287.

T71/855: original claim by Robert Page, executor of Saml Hyde, trustee of Richard Welch deceased. Counterclaim by Robert Hayes Welch, 'owner and devisee in fee'.

T71/1594 p. 155: letter dated 26/12/1837 to Robert Welch, Maryboro Queen's County, Ireland, re St Thomas-in-the-Vale claim nos 300 and 305, stating the compensation had been awarded to Robert Hayes Welch, certificates went to his agent Mr Walker. Letter from R.H. Welch received 17/6/1835 stating R.H. Welch who resides in London is the only son of the said Richard Welch and the present owner in fee of the estate, also surviving executor and legatee.

T71/1606: memorial dated 13/04/1840 from Sarah Busby, widow and sister and legatee of late Richard Welch. Letters from R.H. Welch at Belivdere Place. Letter dated 30/12/1835 from W.R. Colles, 12 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin, judgement creditor in England of R.H. Welch.

See also St Thomas-in-the-Vale claim no. 300.

Further Information

St Thomas-in-the-Vale
Claim No.
Hillside? [none shown in T71/855]

Associated Individuals (4)

Unsuccessful claimant (Judgement creditor)
Unsuccessful claimant
Unsuccessful claimant

Associated Estates (1)