
Jamaica Hanover 7 (part) (Friendship Sugar Estate)

12th Dec 1836 | 304 Enslaved | £5235 6s 1d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 305.

The award was split: 拢3335 15s 1d went to Gray, 12/12/1836; 拢1899 11s 0d went to Gray, 24/07/1837.

T71/915 p. 74: claim from Sarah Gray, of Great Britain, as owner.

T71/872: counterclaim from the Hankeys, as mortgagees of the annuity of 拢150 payable to Mr James Gray (of Dundee, Scotland - see T71/1212) during the life of his aunt Sarah Gray. 23 enslaved persons are classified as 'forming Mackillop's Gang', for whom an additional 拢372 11s 4d was held back and paid to Frances Flyn, David Browne and David Inglis.

T71/872: does not confirm Sarah Gray as of Great Britain.

T71/198 p. 257: James Deans acted as attorney to Mrs Sarah Gray, the owner.

B.W. Higman, Plantation Jamaica 1750-1850: capital and control in a colonial economy (Mona, Jamaica, University of West Indies Press, 2005) p. 155: Hawthorn & Shedden, as commission agents, sent a power of attorney from Mrs Gray to Isaac Jackson on 29/09/1839.

Times 11/05/1841 p. 7: shows the death of Sarah Gray, at the house of Wm. Clark, Hackney, London. Sarah Gray, the widow of Patrick Gray Esq., of Foundship [sic] Estate, Jamaica, died after a protracted and severe illness, which she bore with Christian resignation, in the 84th year of her age.

Further Information

Claim No.
7 (part)
Friendship Sugar Estate

Associated Individuals (1)


Associated Estates (1)