
Jamaica St Catherine 510 (Cedar Grove Pen)

1st Feb 1836 | 35 Enslaved | £701 11s 8d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 4.

T71/852: awarded to Bartho. J. Williams and Thomas Barnes, Kingston and St Catherine, trustees of Mary Gregory.

NDO4/4: Barnes signed for himself in London on eg St Catherine claim no. 503.

A letter of 1884 from the Colonial Secretary gives an outline of the estate from the 1830s:

"Colonial Secretary's Office "Jamaica, 13th Oct. 1884

"Sir, I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the 10th ultimo for information in regard to an Estate left by the late Mary Gregory, called 'Cedar Penn' in the parish of St. Catherine and in reply I transmit herewith a copy of a report on the subject, by the Crown Surveyor of this Island. I should add this is not a matter in which the Government can undertake to furnish information and if you desire to prosecute further enquiry into the matter your best plan would be probably to secure the services of a Solicitor, the following are some of the leading firms of Solicitors in Kingston. "Messrs. Harvey & Bourke Ceyblon & Garcia Burke & Gray "EN Walker "Colonial Secretary "Jamaica "A report by the Crown Secretary

"Cedar Grove Penn in the parish of St Catherine contains 180 acres and is situated near Gregory Park Station on the Kingston and Spanish Town Railway but the railway does not go through it, many years ago it was in the possession of Thomas Barnes who on going to England, left Mr. So. Wortley nominally in charge. On Mr. Wortley leaving the district he interfered no more with Cedar Grove and I believe some Coloured people were left there living in the house and then the place became totally neglected and it grew up to a bush. Some years afterwards, that is probably 14 years ago, Mr.Jacob De Costa took possession of the place but I cannot say by what authority. Mr. De Costa had it some years and sold it to Mr.Richard White of Kingston who is now in possession of it and I believe is in fair order and cultivated in grass. "7.10.84"

We are grateful to Frank Randall for his assistance in compiling this entry.

Further Information

St Catherine
Claim No.
Cedar Grove Pen
Collected by
Williams, JJ, atty to BJW and TB

Associated Individuals (3)

Previous owner (not making a claim)

Associated Estates (1)