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Cough/sore throat12345 Notes: The citation is: West R, Hajek P (2004). Evaluation of the mood and physical symptoms scale (MPSS) to assess cigarette withdrawal Psychopharmacology, 177, 195-199. You can substitute week or today or another time frame for 24 hours in the headers depending on your needs. Items 10. to 12. are new and arise out of recent evidence and are still under test. To assess the effect of abstinence you can calculate the change from baseline (just prior to stopping smoking) to the post-abstinence follow-up point for items 1. to 7. and 10. to 12., and take the raw scores for items 8. and 9. (The reason is given in the citation.) To compare abstinence symptoms under two or more conditions (e.g. two different forms of nicotine replacement therapy), you can compare the scores calculated in 4. above, or instead compare the post-abstinence ratings in those conditions using the baseline ratings as covariates (i.e. instead of subtracting them). This method gives slightly more power to detect differences. The ratings should be analysed individually but can also a) all be totalled to give a composite score (MPSS Total); or b) be added together in three blocks, items 1. to 7. give MPSS(M), 8. and 9. give MPSS(C) and 10. to 12. give MPSS(P). Contact:  HYPERLINK "mailto:robert.west@ucl.ac.uk" robert.west@ucl.ac.uk  '       & 0 1 4 ; E F I \ f g j ~ ^ _ b % F H n ȿhVhnH tH hihnH tH hshnH tH hVhs5hnH tH  h>CJ h>6h>hi hsCJ hs6h*thshVC() $$Ifa$]gd> >8/// $$Ifa$$Ifkd$$Ifl4ֈ pM)" 0O#4 laf45/$Ifkd$$Ifl4ֈ pM)" 0O#4 laf4 $$Ifa$  5kd$$Ifl4ֈ pM)" 0O#4 laf4 $$Ifa$       $$Ifa$$If  & ( * , >8/// $$Ifa$$Ifkd$$Ifl4ֈ pM)" 0O#4 laf4, . 0 1 ; = 5/$Ifkd$$Ifl4ֈ pM)" 0O#4 laf4 $$Ifa$= ? 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