

Institute for Global Health


The determinants of non-initiation and early cessation of breast-feeding in Haringey

Project SummaryÌý

Aim: To explore the reasons for non-uptake and early cessation ofÌýbreastfeeding with health professionals and mothers in Ìýthree of theÌýmost deprived wards of Haringey. Ìý

Methods: Survey of infant feeding intentions of expectant women,Ìýin addition to interviews with new mothers and key informantsÌýwhose jobs include supporting women to breastfeed.Ìý

Results: Around three quarters of women expressed the intentionÌýto breast feed, butÌýinsufficientÌýsupport postnatally, and especiallyÌýafter returning home, was blamed by many for early cessation. KeyÌýinformants acknowledged that Ìýconstraints within the system leadÌýwomen Ìýto stop breastfeeding too early.