
Psychological Helping & Support Research Group

果冻影院 DClinPsy theses on psychological helping and support


Completed theses

Theses in progress: to be completed in 2013

Theses in progress: to be completed in 2014


Completed theses

Sameena Akbar (2011) “Self-compassion and psychological distress in FCO personnel”

Alison Bates (2012) “ Effectiveness of a group rescripting interventions for traumatic nightmares”

Joe Buckman (2006) “Therapeutic orientations of clinical psychology trainees”

Ken Carswell (2007) “Post-migratory factors and mental well-being in refugees and asylum seekers”

Pádraig Collins (2004) “Psychological help-seeking and homeless adolescents”

Anna Colton (2002) “Adolescents’ experiences of their inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa”

Martha Deiros Collado (2009)“Outcome of a support group for adolescents with multiple chronic health needs”

Rebecca Delmar-Morgan (2008) “Does expressive writing lead to physical health benefits in women who have undergone surgery for gynaecological cancers?”

Matthew Evans (2011) “Long-term mentoring for disadvantaged young people”

Rachel Evans (2012) “Police officers' experience of social support in relation to resilience processes”

Catherine Evans-Jones (2004) “The therapeutic relationship in cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis: the role of client, therapist and therapy factors”

Ed Freeman (2003) “The process and outcome of an on-line mutual support group for student mental health problems”

Hilary Garraway (2007) “Mentoring African and Afro-Caribbean young men”

Lisa Green (2003) “Living with psychosis: family perspectives on giving and receiving support”

Laura Haigh (2010) “Internet interventions for chronic depression”

Tom Harris (2002) “Partner support in depression”

Rachel Hodgins (2011) “Perceptions of parenting, adolescence and parenting support”

Debby Jackson: (2006) “Exploring the process of help-seeking in parents of individuals experiencing a first episode of psychosis”

Zara Jay (2006) “Women helping women: peer support intervention in women’s health”

Jenny Jim (2003) “Chinese cultural values and therapy: perspectives from clients and therapists

Fiona Johnston (2000) “Social representations of psychology and the psychologist”

Olivia Kneen (2012) Ambulance workers' appraisals of traumatic events

Stephanie Lawrie (2005) “Multsystemic therapy for juvenile offenders: a qualitative study of service users' perspectives

Hannah Levy (2012) Partner support in antenatal anxiety

Maddy Loat (2004) “Mutual support processes in a therapeutic community”

Vicky Mattison (1998) “Saying goodbye: how people with learning disabilities and staff experience the end of keyworking relationships”

Elisabeth Mason (2003) “Support groups for individuals with early stage dementia: an exploration of group experiences and processes”

Claire Mayers (2004) “The influence of spiritual beliefs on seeking and receiving help for sychological problems”

Fiona McFarlane (2008) “Compassionate mind training in adolescents: A pilot study of a depression prevention programme”

Liz McGrath (1999) “Keyworker and resident perceptions of keyworking relationships in hostels for young homeless people”

Gemma Mitchell (2007) “Befriending people with mental health problems”

Sally Norwood (2010) “Hearing voices groups: The experiences of peer facilitators”

Claire Nussey (2011) “Evaluation of a classroom presentation about Tourette Syndrome”

Tosin Olatunbosun (2007) “Cultural beliefs in people with psychosis from African and Caribbean backgrounds”

Anna Picciotto (1999) “Couple support during the transition to parenthood: varieties of empathic responding”

Hannah Pratt (2009) “Experiences of change through mentoring”

Marta Prytys (2012) “Mentoring young people at risk: engagement in the first six months ”

Nick Rhodes (1997) “Enhancing communication skills and psychological understanding of patients: a randomised controlled trial with medical students”

Matt Richardson (2006) “Experiences of psychological help-seeking in young men who attempted suicide”

Gabriella Rubino (1999) “The influence of therapist’s attachment style on the resolution of ruptures in the therapeutic alliance”

Henrietta Saunders (2008) “Effects of expressive writing on physical and psychological symptoms in women undergoing surgery for gynaecological cancer”

Jed Shamel (2012) “The 'Kindness Behavior Training Course': what changes and how?

Debbie Sischy (2006) “Therapeutic relationships in adolescent units”

Stavros Stavrou (2005) “GP referrals to on-site clinical psychologists and counsellors: Analysing the decisions behind referring and not referring patients”

Mike Solomon (1997) “What do parents of children with disabilities and special needs find helpful about mutual support groups?”

Lois Thomas (2008) “An exploratory study of the psychological content of writing produced by women recovering from surgery for gynaecological cancers”

Iseult Twamley (2003) “Young women’s experiences of attending a lesbian and bisexual community support group”

James Underhill (2011) “Psychological impact of music workshops on immigration detainees”

Rachel Warman (2011) “Social support and adjustment to stress in FCO personnel”

Ros Watts (2012) 'Relationship to alcoholol of women hazardous drinkers

Louise White (2012) “Online support groups for depression: predictors of engagement?”

Lucy Wilson-Shaw (2009) “Expert mental health reports in asylum cases”

Daniel Wood (2001) “Patient experiences of safety on an acute mental health ward”

Sally Zlotowitz (2010) “Impact of a community music project for marginalised young people”


To be completed in 2013

Nicky Mountain Youth mentoring: views of mentors and caseworkers

(list to be finalised)


To be completed in 2014

(list to be finalised)


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