
Therapeutic Orientation and Experiences Survey (TOES)

Updated: 28 April 2010

PHaS home page   TOES questionnaire 

The Therapeutic Orientation and Experience Survey (TOES) is a self-report questionnaire designed to provide a quick measure of therapists' preferences for a therapeutic orientation. It assesses three orientations prevalent in UK clinical psychology (psychodynamic, CBT and systemic). However, in other applications it could easily be expanded to include additional orientations (e.g., humanistic).

The TOES questionnaire is freely downloadable from this site. We are happy for it to be duplicated and used for any non-commercial purposes, providing that you acknowledge its original authors (Joe Buckman and Chris Barker).

The citation for the questionnaire itself is:

Buckman, J.R., & Barker, C., (2006). Therapeutic Orientation and Experiences Survey (TOES). Unpublished instrument. Retrieved from http://www.ucl.ac.uk/clinical-psychology/Research-Groups/phas/TOEShome.htm

Its published description is in the following article:

Buckman, J.R., & Barker, C. (2010). Therapeutic orientation preferences in trainee clinical psychologists: Personality or training? Psychotherapy Research, 20, 247-258.

You are welcome to email Dr Chris Barker if you have any thoughts, queries or problems concerning the TOES.