
果冻影院 Psychological Helping and Support Research Group

Publications by Topic Area

Updated: 10 February 2013

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This listing gives the Psychological Helping and Support Research Group's publications in each of our main areas of activity. (Some appear under more than one heading.)

Social Support, Peer and Mutual Support, Befriending, Informal Helping, etc.
Psychological Therapy and Counselling
Women's Health
General Practice Consultations
Research Methodology

Social Support, Peer and Mutual Support, Befriending, Informal Helping, etc.

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Maddox, L., Lee, D., & Barker, C. (2012). The impact of psychological consequences of rape on rape case attrition: The police perspective. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 27, 33-44. doi:10.1007 /s11896-011-9092-0

Pistrang, N., Jay, Z., Gessler, S., & Barker, C. (2012). Telephone peer support for women with gynaecological cancer: Benefits and challenges for supporters. Psycho-Oncology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1002/pon.3080

Pistrang, N., Jay, Z., Gessler, S., & Barker, C. (2012). Telephone peer support for women with gynaecological cancer: Recipients' perspectives. Psycho-Oncology, 21, 1082-1090. doi:10.1002/pon.2005

Alcock, A., Camic, P.M., Barker, C., Haridi, C., & Raven, R. (2011). Intergenerational practice in the community: A focused ethnographic evaluation. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 21, 419-432. doi:10.1002/casp.1084

Freeman, E., Barker, C., & Pistrang, N. (2011). The process and content of an online support group for college students with psychological problems. International Journal of Self-Help and Self-Care, 5, 337-351. doi: 10.2190/SH.5.4.f

Maddox, L., Lee, D., & Barker, C. (2011). Police empathy and victim PTSD as potential factors in rape case attrition. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s11896-010-9075-6

Maddox, L., Lee, D., & Barker, C. (2011). Victims' psychological factors in rape case attrition: The police perspective. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007 /s11896-011-9092-0

Mitchell, G., & Pistrang, N. (2011). Befriending for mental health problems: Processes of helping. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 84, 151-169.

Pistrang, N., Jay, Z., Gessler, S., & Barker, C. (2011). Telephone peer support for women with gynaecological cancer: Recipients' perspectives. Psycho-Oncology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1002/pon.2005

Garraway, H., & Pistrang, N. (2010). “Brother from another mother”: Mentoring for African-Caribbean adolescent boys. Journal of Adolescence, 33, 719-729.

Barker, C., & Pistrang, N. (2010). Online support groups in mental health. UK Health Informatics Today, 59, 6-7.

Pistrang, N., Barker, C., & Humphreys, K. (2010). The contributions of mutual help groups for mental health problems to psychological well-being: A systematic review. In L.D. Brown & S. Wituk (Eds.), Mental health self-help: Consumer and family initiatives. New York: Springer.

Freeman, E., Barker, C., & Pistrang, N. (2008). Outcome of an online mutual support group for college students with psychological problems. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 11, 591-593.

Pistrang, N., Barker, C., & Humphreys, K. (2008). Mutual help groups for mental health problems: A review of effectiveness studies. American Journal of Community Psychology, 42, 110-121.

Harris, T.J.R., Pistrang, N., & Barker, C. (2006). Couples' experiences of the support process in depression: a phenomenological analysis. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 79, 1-21.

Barker, C., Freeman, E., & Pistrang, N. (2005). An online mutual support group for college students with psychological problems. The Community Psychologist, 38, 39-41.

Pistrang, N., & Barker, C. (2005). How partners talk in times of stress: A process analysis approach. In T.A. Revenson, K. Kayser, & G. Bodenmann (Eds.), Couples coping with stress: Emerging perspectives on dyadic coping. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Barker, C., & Pistrang, N. (2002). Psychotherapy and social support: integrating research on psychological helping. Clinical Psychology Review, 22, 361-379.

Solomon, M., Pistrang, N., & Barker, C. (2001). The benefits of mutual support groups for parents of children with disabilities. American Journal of Community Psychology, 29, 113-132.

Pistrang, N., Picciotto, A., & Barker, C. (2001). The communication of empathy in couples during the transition to parenthood. Journal of Community Psychology, 29, 615-636.

Pistrang, N. (2000). Partner support for women with breast cancer: A process analysis approach. In J.M. Ussher (ed.), Women's health: Contemporary international perspectives (pp. 237-243). Leicester: British Psychological Society.

Pistrang, N., Clare, L., & Barker, C. (1999). The helping process in couples during recovery from a heart attack: A single case study. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 72, 227-237.

Pistrang, N., Solomons, W., & Barker, C. (1999). Peer support for women with breast cancer: The role of empathy and self-disclosure. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 9, 217-229.

Pistrang, N., & Barker, C. (1998). Partners and fellow patients: Two sources of emotional support for women with breast cancer. American Journal of Community Psychology, 26, 439-456.

Pistrang, N., Barker, C. & Rutter, C. (1997). Social support as conversation: Analysing breast cancer patients' interactions with their partners. Social Science and Medicine, 45, 773-782.

Barker, C., Pistrang, N., Shapiro, D. A., Davies, S., & Shaw, I. (1993). You in Mind: a preventive mental health television series. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 32, 281-293.

Barker, C., Pistrang, N., Shapiro, D.A., & Shaw, I. (1990). Coping and help-seeking in the UK adult population. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 29, 271-285.

Barker, C., & Lemle, R. (1987). Informal helping in partner and stranger dyads. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 49, 541-547.

Barker, C., & Lemle, R. (1984). The helping process in couples. American Journal of Community Psychology, 12, 321-336.

Psychological Therapy, Counselling, etc.

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Nussey, C., Pistrang, N., & Murphy, T. (in press). How does psychoeducation help? A review of the effects of providing information about Tourette syndrome and ADHD. Child: Care, Health and Development.

Nussey, C., Pistrang, N., & Murphy, T. (2012). Does it help to talk about tics? An evaluation of a classroom presentation about Tourette syndrome. Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Advance online publication. doi:10.1111/camh.12000

Ruiz Calzada, L., Pistrang, N., & Mandy, W.P.L. (2012). High functioning autism and Asperger's disorder: Utility and meaning for families. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42, 230-243. doi: 10.1007/s10803-011-1238-5

Tighe, A., Pistrang, N., Baruch, G., & Butler, S. (2012). Multisystemic therapy for young offenders: Families' experiences of therapeutic processes and outcomes. Journal of Family Psychology, 26, 187-197. doi: 10.1037/a0027120

Wilson-Shaw, L., Pistrang, N., & Herlihy, J. (2012). Non-clinicians' judgments about asylum seekers' mental health: how do legal representatives of asylum seekers decide when to request medico-legal reports? European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 3, 18406. doi:10.3402/ejpt.v3i0.18406

Bottrill, S., Pistrang, N., Barker, C., & Worrell, M. (2010). The use of therapist self-disclosure: Clinical psychology trainees' experiences. Psychotherapy Research, 20, 165-180.

Buckman, J.R., & Barker, C. (2010). Therapeutic orientation preferences in trainee clinical psychologists: Personality or training? Psychotherapy Research, 20, 247-258.

Collins, P., & Barker, C. (2009). Psychological helpseeking in homeless adolescents. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 55, 372-384.

Evans-Jones, C., Peters, E., & Barker, C. (2009). The therapeutic relationship in CBT for psychosis: Client, therapist and therapy factors. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 37, 527-540.

Jim, J., & Pistrang, N. (2007). Culture and the therapeutic relationship: Perspectives from Chinese clients. Psychotherapy Research, 17, 461-473.

McGrath, L., & Pistrang, N. (2007). Policeman or friend? The role of the keyworker in hostels for homeless young people. Journal of Social Issues, 63, 589-606.

Mayers, C., Leavey, G., Vallianatou, C., & Barker, C. (2007). How clients with religious or spiritual beliefs experience psychological help-seeking and therapy: a qualitative study. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 14, 317-327.

Harris, T.J.R., Pistrang, N., & Barker, C. (2006). Couples' experiences of the support process in depression: a phenomenological analysis. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 79, 1-21.

Mason, E., Clare, L. & Pistrang, N. (2005). Processes and experiences of mutual support in professionally-led support groups for people with early-stage dementia. Dementia, 4, 87-112.

Colton, A. & Pistrang, N. (2004). Adolescents' experiences of in-patient treatment for anorexia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review, 12, 307-316.

Mattison, V. & Pistrang, N. (2004). The endings of relationships between people with learning disabilities and their keyworkers. In D. Simpson & L. Miller (Eds.), Unexpected gains: psychotherapy with people with learning disabilities (pp. 149-166). London: Karnac.

Wood, D. & Pistrang, N. (2004). A safe place? Service users' experiences of an acute mental health ward. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 14, 16-28.

Mattison, V. & Pistrang, N. (2000). Saying goodbye: When keyworker relationships end. London: Free Association Books.

Rubino, G., Barker, C., Roth, T., & Fearon, P. (2000). Therapist empathy and depth of interpretation in the response to potential alliance ruptures: The role of therapist and patient attachment styles. Psychotherapy Research, 10, 408-420.

Pistrang, N., & Winchurst, C. (1997). Gynaecological cancer patients' attitudes towards psychological services. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 2, 135-147.

Wanigaratne, S.D., & Barker, C. (1995). Clients' preferences for styles of therapy. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 34, 215-222.

Pistrang, N. & Barker, C. (1992). Clients' beliefs about psychological problems. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 5, 325-336.

Barker, C. (1985). Interpersonal Process Recall in clinical training and research. In F.N. Watts (Ed.), New Developments in Clinical Psychology (pp. 154-169). Chichester: Wiley.

Caskey, N., Barker, C., & Elliott, R. (1984). Dual perspectives: Clients' and therapists' perceptions of therapist responses. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 23, 281-290.

Barker, C. (1983). The psychotherapist. In W.T. Singleton (Ed.), The Study of Real Skills (Vol. 4): Social Skills (pp. 119-139). Lancaster: M.T.P. Press.

Elliott, R., Barker, C., Caskey, N., & Pistrang, N. (1982). Differential helpfulness of counselor verbal response modes. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 29, 354-361.

Elliott, R., Stiles, W.B., Shiffman, S., Barker, C.B., Burstein, B., & Goodman, G. (1982). The empirical analysis of help-intended communication: Conceptual framework and recent research. In T.A. Wills (Ed.), Basic Processes in Helping Relationships (pp. 333-356). New York: Academic Press.


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Harris, T.J.R., Pistrang, N., & Barker, C. (2006). Couples' experiences of the support process in depression: a phenomenological analysis. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 79, 1-21.

Pistrang, N., & Barker, C. (2005). How partners talk in times of stress: A process analysis approach. In T.A. Revenson, K. Kayser, & G. Bodenmann (Eds.), Couples coping with stress: Emerging perspectives on dyadic coping. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Pistrang, N., Picciotto, A., & Barker, C. (2001). The communication of empathy in couples during the transition to parenthood. Journal of Community Psychology, 29, 615-636.

Pistrang, N., Clare, L., & Barker, C. (1999). The helping process in couples during recovery from a heart attack: A single case study. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 72, 227-237.

Pistrang, N., & Barker, C. (1998). Partners and fellow patients: Two sources of emotional support for women with breast cancer. American Journal of Community Psychology, 26, 439-456.

Pistrang, N., Barker, C. & Rutter, C. (1997). Social support as conversation: Analysing breast cancer patients' interactions with their partners. Social Science and Medicine, 45, 773-782.

Pistrang, N., & Barker, C. (1995). The partner relationship in psychological response to breast cancer. Social Science and Medicine, 40, 789-797.

Barker, C., & Lemle, R. (1987). Informal helping in partner and stranger dyads. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 49, 541-547.

Barker, C., & Lemle, R. (1984). The helping process in couples. American Journal of Community Psychology, 12, 321-336.

Women's Health

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Pistrang, N., Jay, Z., Gessler, S., & Barker, C. (2012). Telephone peer support for women with gynaecological cancer: Benefits and challenges for supporters. Psycho-Oncology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1002/pon.3080

Pistrang, N., Jay, Z., Gessler, S., & Barker, C. (2012). Telephone peer support for women with gynaecological cancer: Recipients' perspectives. Psycho-Oncology, 21, 1082-1090. doi:10.1002/pon.2005

Pistrang, N. (2000). Partner support for women with breast cancer: A process analysis approach. In J.M. Ussher (ed.), Women's health: Contemporary international perspectives (pp. 237-243). Leicester: British Psychological Society.

Pistrang, N., Solomons, W., & Barker, C. (1999). Peer support for women with breast cancer: The role of empathy and self-disclosure. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 9, 217-229.

Pistrang, N., & Barker, C. (1998). Partners and fellow patients: Two sources of emotional support for women with breast cancer. American Journal of Community Psychology, 26, 439-456.

Pistrang, N., & Winchurst, C. (1997). Gynaecological cancer patients' attitudes towards psychological services. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 2, 135-147.

Pistrang, N., Barker, C. & Rutter, C. (1997). Social support as conversation: Analysing breast cancer patients' interactions with their partners. Social Science and Medicine, 45, 773-782.

Pistrang, N., & Barker, C. (1995). The partner relationship in psychological response to breast cancer. Social Science and Medicine, 40, 789-797.

Pistrang, N., & Barker, C. (1992). Disclosure of concerns in breast cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 1, 183-192.

General Practice Consultations

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Cape , J., Geyer, C., Barker, C., Pistrang, N., Buszewicz, M., Dowrick, C., Salmon, P. (2010). Facilitating understanding of mental health problems in GP consultations: a qualitative study using taped-assisted recall. British Journal of General Practice, 60 (580) , 837-845.

Stavrou, S., Cape, J., & Barker, C. (2009). Decisions about referrals for psychological therapies: a matched patient qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice, 59, e289-e298.

Buszewicz, M., Pistrang, N., Barker, C., Cape, J., & Martin, J. (2006). Patients' experiences of GP consultations for psychological problems: a qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice, 56, 496-503.

Cape, J., Barker, C., Buszewicz, M. & Pistrang, N. (2000). General practitioner management of common emotional problems (I): definitions and literature review. British Journal of General Practice, 50, 313-318.

Cape, J., Barker, C., Buszewicz, M. & Pistrang, N. (2000). General practitioner management of common emotional problems II: A research agenda for the development of evidence-based practice. British Journal of General Practice, 50, 396-400.

Research Methodology

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Barker, C., & Pistrang, N. (2012). Methodological pluralism: Implications for consumers and producers of research. In L.A. Jason & D.S. Glenwick (Eds.), Methodological approaches to community-based research (pp.33-50). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/13492-000

Pistrang, N., & Barker, C. (2012). Varieties of qualitative research: A pragmatic approach to selecting methods. In H. Cooper (Ed.), APA handbook of research methods in psychology: Vol. 2 research designs (pp.5-18). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/13620-001

Pistrang, N., & Barker, C. (2010). Scientific, practical and personal decisions in selecting qualitative methods. In M. Barkham, G.E. Hardy & J. Mellor-Clark (Eds.), Developing and delivering practice-based evidence: A guide for the psychological therapies (pp.65-89). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.

Barker, C., & Pistrang, N. (2005). Quality criteria under methodological pluralism: implications for doing and evaluating research. American Journal of Community Psychology, 35, 201-212.

Pistrang, N., & Barker, C. (2005). How partners talk in times of stress: A process analysis approach. In T.A. Revenson, K. Kayser, & G. Bodenmann (Eds.), Couples coping with stress: Emerging perspectives on dyadic coping (pp. 97-119). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Barkham, M., & Barker, C. (2003). Establishing a practice-based evidence for counselling psychology. In R. Woolfe, W. Dryden & Strawbridge, S. (Eds.), Handbook of Counselling Psychology (2nd ed.). London: Sage.

Barker, C., Pistrang, N., & Elliott, R. (2002). Research methods in clinical psychology: An introduction for students and practitioners (2nd ed.). Chichester: Wiley.

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