



15th September - Invited talk - Prof. Huiming Cheng.

13 September 2017

We are delighted to have Prof. Huiming Cheng to give us an invited talk on 鈥Growth of High-Quality Graphene and Other 2D Materials By CVD鈥 in our department. The talk will be delivered at 3pm on 15th听厂别辫迟. in Chemistry Lecture Theatre, followed by a reception in the Nyholm Room. The abstract and a short bio are attached.

Please note that the seminar is in the Chemistry Lecture Theatre 3pm 15th September.

Growth of High-Quality Graphene and Other 2D Materials By CVD

Hui-Ming Cheng Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen 518055, China

Graphene materials have unique and excellent properties, and they are expected to be used in many fields. Therefore, fabrication of high-quality graphene is very important. Like graphene, other high-quality two-dimensional (2D) materials are essentially important for investigating new physics and properties in the 2D limit, and for many fascinating applications, in particular, electronic and optoelectronic applications. CVD is a powerful method to grow high-quality grains and films of graphene and other 2D materials such as transition metal sulfides and carbides on metal substrates. For example, millimeter-size and extremely small-size single crystal graphene domains and films on Pt and Cu substrates, large-size single-crystal monolayer WS2聽domains on Au substrates, and ultrathin carbide crystals on specifically-designed metal substrates can be grown by ambient-pressure CVD. Three-dimensional graphene interconnected framework can also be synthesized by CVD. These CVD-grown high-quality graphene and other 2D crystals have interesting physical properties and applications, such as transparent conducting films, electronic and optoelectronic devices, and superconductivity.


1.Ren W. C. & Cheng H. M.,聽Nature Nano.聽2014, 9, 726-730.

2.Gao L. B.,聽et al,聽Nature Commun.聽2012,听3, 699.

3.Ma T.,聽et al,聽PNAS 2013, 110 (51), 20386-2039.

4.Gao L. B.,聽et al,聽APL 2010, 97 (18), 183109.

5.Chen Z. P.,聽et al,聽Nature Mater 2011, 10 (6), 424-428.

6.Gao Y.,聽et al,聽Nature Commun. 2015, 6, 8569.

7.Gao Y.,聽et al,聽Adv. Mater. 2017, in press.

8.Xu C.,聽et al,聽Nature Materials 2015, 14 (11), 1135-1141.

9.Zhang Z. K.,聽et al,聽Nature Commun.聽2017,听8:14560, DOI:10.1038/ncomms14560.

10.Ma T.,聽et al,聽Nature Commun.聽2017,听8:14486, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14486.

Short Bio

Dr. Hui-Ming Cheng is Professor and Director of both聽Advanced Carbon Research Division聽of Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the聽Low-Dimensional Material and Device Laboratory聽of the Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Tsinghua University. His research activities focus on carbon nanotubes, graphene, other low-dimensional materials, energy storage materials, photocatalytic semiconducting materials, and bulk carbon materials. He has published over 550 papers with >52,000 citations and is recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher in both materials science and chemistry fields by Thomson Reuters. He used to be the Editor of聽Carbon聽and Editor-in-Chief of聽New Carbon Materials,聽and is now the founding Editor-in-Chief of聽Energy Storage Materials聽and Associate Editor of聽Science China Materials. He was elected as a member of Chinese Academy of Sciences and a fellow of TWAS.