

The Bartlett School of Planning


Karla Barrantes Chaves

Research subject

Fear of crime beyond the walls: Effects of gated communities in neighbouring public spaces. The case of Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica

Primary supervisor:听Professor Claudio de听Magalh茫es
Secondary supervisor:听Dr Pablo Sendra
Sponsor:听Universidad de Costa Rica
Starting date:听January 2017
Completion date:听惭补测听2021

This research explores the distribution of fear of crime in neighbourhoods next to gated communities, and their variants, by considering poverty levels and elements of the built environment. Fear of crime is a constant concern in Latin America and gated communities have been spreading rapidly as they are seen as 'shelters' against crime. They are typically walled or fenced, with private security and surveillance devices; their externalities are commonly associated with spatial segregation, socio-economic effects and alterations of the urban fabric. However, there is still a lack of empirical data about the effect of gated communities on the fear of crime at their peripheries. This thesis addresses that research gap by investigating the urban area of Costa Rica.

The research design is a qualitative approach based on eight case studies; these are neighbourhoods bordering gated communities in different areas within the Greater Metropolitan Area (GAM). They represent a diverse range of poverty, taking into account housing, educational levels, health and access to goods and services. In each neighbourhood, a walking interview was carried out with community members; it was tracked by GPS and audio recorded. Additionally, there were focus groups, observations and in-depth interviews. A set of 鈥榩erceptions maps鈥 were produced by georeferencing people's comments through qualitative software and GIS. The core of the empirical data was analysed mostly through thematic analysis by a comparative structure of the eight case studies.

The findings suggest that the physical presence of gated communities produces an emotional response in people living outside their gates, which is fuelled by features of the built environment and residential segregation. Literature indicates that people from gated communities aim to safeguard themselves from their surroundings. However, it was found that, within certain ranges of poverty, non-gated neighbours feel anxious about gated residents. This suggests that fear of crime might also operate in the opposite direction, from neighbouring areas to gated communities.


Karla Barrantes Chaves has a degree in Architecture from the Universidad de Costa Rica, a master degree in Urban and land development from the Universidad Polit茅cnica de Catalu帽a. She carried out her PhD at the Bartlett School of Planning at 果冻影院 (果冻影院). Her research interests lie in the impact of the built environment on perceived safety, urbanisation patterns, gated communities and planning regulations.

At the Bartlett, she has been a member of the听Socially Just Planning Doctoral Network, PGTA for the modules: Design & Real Estate, Urban design: place making, Health, Comfort and Wellbeing in the Built Environment and Designing Inclusive Places. She also worked as a research assistant at the 果冻影院 Institute for Environmental Design & Engineering.

Karla worked as a Lecturer in spatial planning for the University of Costa Rica (UCR) for more than seven years for the School of Topographic Engineering. At UCR she also worked for 14 years as a researcher at the Research Program in Sustainable Urban Development (ProDUS-UCR), there, she coordinated and participated in regulatory plans and research regarding urban planning, public spaces, land management tools, participatory processes, coastal and rural management. Those projects were mainly sponsored by local governments and national institutions.

She founded and directed for 11 years the urban renewal project 鈥楾CU Calle de la Amargura [Street of bitterness]鈥, focused on safety strategies through artistic and cultural manifestations. Those activities took place in a controversial street nearby to UCR. The University of Costa Rica sponsors her PhD at 果冻影院 as an agreement to go back for teaching and researching.

Teaching experience

At听果冻影院 (果冻影院):

PGTA at the Bartlett School of Planning.

  • 2019/2020: BPLN0031听 Design & Real Estate
  • 2020/2021: BPLN0042 Urban design: place making

PGTA at the Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources

  • 果冻影院 Institute for Environmental Design & Engineering
  • 2020/2021: BENV0027Health, Comfort and Wellbeing in the Built Environment
  • 2020/2021: BENV0057: Designing Inclusive Places

The University of Costa Rica (UCR) ():听 听听


  • 2010-2016. BEng in Engineering (Topographic)
  • IT 6004. Urbanismo [Urbanism/Spatial Planning]
  • 2015. BSc in Psychology (interdisciplinary course/shared course)
  • PS 1047. Psicolog铆a Ambiental: Movilidad activa y 谩reas verdes
  • [Environmental Psychology: Active Mobility and Green Areas]
  • Schools: Biology, Psychology, Engineering and Architecture.
  • 2011-2013. MSc in Environmental Management and Ecotourism (Interdisciplinary master)
  • PF 6810.听Planificaci贸n Territorial 1. [Land Planning 1]
  • 2004. BSc in Eco-Tourism (shared course)
  • Naturaleza y proyectos tur铆sticos [Nature and Tourist Projects]
  • UCR - Liberia Branch


Barrantes, K,. (2019). 鈥楤arrios conviviendo con comunidades cerradas entre el miedo y la segregaci贸n. El caso de la GAM-Costa Rica鈥 [Neighborhoods 鈥渃ohabiting鈥 with gated communities: between fear and segregation. GMA- Costa Rica鈥檚 case]. Revistarquis, University of Costa Rica, VOL 8, Num. 2, San Jos茅, Costa Rica, pp. 66-76.

Barrantes, K,. (2015). Ingenier铆as en los procesos de renovaci贸n urbana y gesti贸n communal [Engineering in urban renovation and community management processes]. Iberoamerican Journal of Project Management (IJoPM). Vol.6, No1., Section Code, pp.37-60. 2015.

Barrantes, K,. (2014). Calle de la Amargura: hacia una renovaci贸n urbana con actividad humana. [Amargura Street towards an urban renovation with human activity], On the Waterfront Magazine, University of Barcelona, Spain. (21-39), 2014

Barrantes, K,. (2012) Plan regulador de Pococ铆, Lim贸n, Costa Rica. Retos y compromisos [Regulatory plan for Pococi, Lim贸n, Costa Rica. Challenges and commitments]. InterSedes Journal. Vol. XIII. (24-2011) 61-77. DOI 10.15517/isucr.v12i24.965

Barrantes, K; Zumbado F. (2012). Aporte de los procesos participativos en el ordenamientoterritorial: caso del Plan Regulador Costero de Isla Chira y Zonificaci贸n propuesta [Contributions during participative proceedings in land laws: case of the Coastal Regulatory Plan for Chira Island and Zoning proposal]. Reflexiones Magazine. 285-296,. DOI

Published works

Zu帽iga M; Barrantes K, Brenes M, Zamora L, Nu帽ez O, Sanchez L & Castillo M. (2017).听 Observaci贸n directa de ambientes de aprendizaje en centros educativos costarricenses con distinto desempe帽o. [Classroom observation of learning environment in Costa Rican High Schools with different performance level] State of Education 2017. State of the Nation Program CONARE. San Jos茅, Costa Rica.

Barrantes K, Mora K & Robles D. (2015) Importancia de los espacios de convivencia y recreaci贸n en el contexto de la educaci贸n secundaria. [Relevance of cohabitation and recreational spaces within the context of high school]. State of Education 2015. State of the Nation Program CONARE. San Jos茅, Costa Rica.

Barrantes K, (2015). Lecciones aprendidas de casos latinoamericanos en la gesti贸n del territorio y el contexto costarricense. [Lessons learned in land management, Latin American examples and their application within the Costa Rican context], State of the Nation Program. CONARE 2015. San Jos茅, Costa Rica. Pujol R,

Barrantes, K, Dobles, D, Per茅z, E & S谩nchez, L. (2013) Formas de atenci贸n de la demanda de infraestructura educativa y calidad de los ambientes de aprendizaje que se construyen. [Ways to deal with educational infrastructure demand and quality in learning environments being created]. State of Education, CONARE.

Books (participation and chapters)

Pujol R, Barrantes K & L贸pez C. (2013). 鈥楽patial Planning as a Tool for Heritage Protection: Costa Rica Master Plans鈥 in Tangible Risks and Intangible Opportunities: Long-term risk preparedness and responses for threats to cultural heritage. ICOMOS 2015.

Barrantes, K. (2013). TCU Calle de la Amargura [TCU Amargura Street] in Activaciones urbanas para la apropiaci贸n del espacio p煤blico, UN-Habitat. San Jose, Costa Rica, (54-57) 2013.

Pujol R, Barrantes, K. (2013). 脕reas recreativas de la GAM [GMA Recreational Areas] in Activaciones urbanas para la apropiaci贸n del espacio p煤blico, UN-Habitat. San Jose, Costa Rica.

Barrantes, K. (2011) Descripci贸n b谩sica y esquema de las etapas de un proceso de gesti贸n del ordenamiento territorial. [Basic description and stage outline a for land law management process]. In Gu铆a de Ordenamiento Territorial en espacios Rurales. DEMUCA-ProDUS.

Barrantes, K. (2011). Principios generales de la Zonificaci贸n Rural [General Principles of Rural Zoning]. In Gu铆a de Ordenamiento Territorial en espacios Rurales. DEMUCA-ProDUS.

Barrantes, K. (2011). Pol铆ticas de fraccionamiento en espacios Rurales [Division Policies in Rural Spaces] In Gu铆a de Ordenamiento Territorial en espacios rurales (40-42). Land Law Guidelines in Rural Spaces, DEMUCA-ProDUS.

Barrantes, K. (2011) Formalizaci贸n del proceso de ordenamiento territorial mediante ordenanzas y reglamentos municipales. [Formalization of land law procedures through municipal by laws and regulations]. In Gu铆a de Ordenamiento Territorial en espacios rurales DEMUCA-ProDUS.

Barrantes, K. (2011) Reglas b谩sicas de zonificaci贸n, reglamentos y ordenanzas municipalesde ordenamiento territorial [Basic zoning rules, municipal by laws and regulations for Land Laws]. In Gu铆a de Ordenamiento Territorial en espacios rurales. DEMUCA-ProDUS.

Barrantes, K. (2005). Elaboraci贸n de regulaciones y mapas. [Elaboration of regulations and maps] in Reflexiones para el Debate N潞 8, Manual para la Gesti贸n Municipal de la Zona Mar铆timo-Terrestre en Costa Rica, San Jos茅, Fundaci贸n DEMUCA, 2005.

Barrantes, K. (2005). Capacidades institucionales municipales para la gesti贸n territorial (localy regional) de la zona mar铆timo terrestre. [Municipal institutional capacities for land management (local and regional) for the land-sea zoning] in Reflexiones para el Debate N潞 8, Manual para la Gesti贸n Municipal de la Zona Mar铆timo-Terrestre en Costa Rica, San Jos茅, Fundaci贸n DEMUCA, 2005.

Conferences and talks

Invited Talks

Barrantes, K. 鈥楳ore than walls: Exploring fear of crime beyond Gated Communities鈥. Presented at Working with Co-design, violence and fear of crime. Some views from Latin America. Socially Just Planning Network, Bartlett School of Planning, May 2019, London, United Kingdom.

Barrantes, K. 鈥楳iedo al crimen m谩s all谩 de los muros: Efectos de las comunidades cerradas en el espacio p煤blico. Caso de la GAM鈥 [Fear of crime beyond the walls: Effects of gated communities towards public space. The GAM case], December 2018, School of Architecture, University of Costa Rica, San Jos茅, Costa Rica.

Barrantes, K. 鈥楨fecto las comunidades cerradas en los espacios p煤blicos vecinos鈥 [Effects of gated communities in neighbouring public spaces鈥. Presented at Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements, Costa Rican Government, November 2018, San Jos茅, Costa Rica

Barrantes, K. 鈥楢proximaci贸n a la investigacion en temas urbanos鈥 [Approach for researching in urban topics]. Presented at Seminar for the Master in Environmental Management and Ecotourism, University of Costa Rica, November 2018, San Jos茅, Costa Rica.

Round Table Towards Safe and Sustainable Cities. First National Congress on urban Mobility. Moderator for 鈥榯he City and Public Space Redesign鈥. Legislative Assembly, Costa Rica, 2015.


Barrantes, K. Fear and segregation: anxiety beyond the gated communities. The Costa Rican case. Presented at 鈥楢ESOP annual conference: Planning for Transition鈥, July 2019, Venice, Italy.

Barrantes, K. 鈥楤eyond the walls: neighbourhoods facing gated communities, between fear and exclusion. The Costa Rican case鈥. Presented at 鈥楥ities in Conflict: Urban Space and Violence鈥, June 2019, Cork, Ireland.

Barrantes, K. 鈥楳iedo al crimen m谩s all谩 de las murallas: 驴Son las comunidades cerradas un catalizador del miedo hacia los barrios m谩s desiguales? El caso de Costa Rica. [Fear of crime beyond the walls. Are gated communities a fear catalyst towards the more unequal neighbourhoods?] Presented at OUT 2018 XVI International Conference in land planning and urbanism, October 2018, Habana, Cuba.

Barrantes, K. 鈥業ngenier铆as en los procesos de renovaci贸n urbana y gesti贸n comunal鈥 [Engineering in urban renovation processes and community management]. Presented at The Latin American Engineering Project Congress and the IV International Congress on Knowledge and Innovation, November 2013, Loja, Ecuador.

Barrantes, K. 鈥楲and Laws as a tool to preserve the Heritage鈥. Presented at International Scientific Symposium ICOMOS: Tangible risks, intangible opportunities. October, 2013. San Jose, Costa Rica.

Barrantes, K. 鈥楥alle de la Amargura hacia una renovaci贸n urbana con actividad humana鈥 [Amargura Street towards an urban renovation with human activity]. Presented at Latin American Congress Cross Curricula in Urban Design. 2013. San Jos茅, Costa Rica. Pujol R,

Barrantes, K, 脕vila, D. 鈥楺uepos: Proposal to reusing the State鈥檚 natural patrimony and the Historic Patrimony of the American Zone and Zone Zero. Presented at Costa Rican Pacific Area Research meetings, University of Costa Rica, 2012. Puntarenas, Costa Rica.

Barrantes, K, Solano, J. 鈥楶lanning Experience at the Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve鈥. Presented at Costa Rican Pacific Area Research meetings, University of Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Zumbado, F,

Barrantes K. 鈥楲and Laws for islands in the Nicoya Gulf: Regulatory Coastal Plan for Chira Island and final zoning proposal.鈥 Presented at听 Costa Rican Pacific Area Research meeting, University of Costa Rica, 2012, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.

International delegations.

Habitat III. United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development. Member of the Costa Rican official delegation. Quito, Ecuador. 2016 UNESCO chair meeting: 鈥業ntermediate Cities Urbanization and Development鈥 Lleida, Spain. Representative of University of Costa Rica. 2008.

Acknowledgements and grants

Doctoral School 果冻影院. Research Images as Art / Art Images as Research Competition 鈥 2019: honourable mention.

Bartlett Doctoral Initiative Fund. Socially Just Planning Doctoral Network. 2018/2019

University of Costa Rica鈥檚 fellowship to lecturers and associate professors for PhD Studies abroad. 2016.

State of Education - CONARE. Grand Fund for Research in Education. Classroom observation of learning environment in Costa Rican High Schools with different performance level. (Infrastructure Assessment). San Jos茅, Costa Rica.

Recipient of the grant bid from the Social Vice-rectory from the University of Costa Rica, with the following projects:

2010. Stimulating high school student鈥檚 abilities and promoting the use of public spaces. Part I 2011. Stimulating high school student鈥檚 abilities and promoting the use of public spaces. Part II 2012. Stimulating high school student鈥檚 abilities and promoting the use of public spaces. Part III 2013. Reading and Laughing: Encouraging reading in children and teenagers with fun and artistic experiences.