

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


The role of knowledge coproduction to reframe climate change adaptation

This research is looking at the role of knowledge co-production, via systemic thinking, to re(frame) climate change adaptation in such a way that it broadens its scope and aligns it with development.

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13 June 2015

This research is looking at the role of knowledge co-production, via systemic thinking, to re(frame) climate change adaptation in such a way that it broadens its scope and aligns it with development. The project looks at a case study in Colombia, which is the South-Pacific Node comprising three departments or Colombian states: Valle, Cauca and Nariño. Climate change adaptation has lagged behind mitigation efforts in Colombia, despite the high levels of climatic vulnerability, mainly within the low-income population. Efforts so far have focused on ecosystem- and sector-based adaptation and have disregarded major development issues along with the root causes of vulnerability. 

For more information please contact Mónica Bernal Llanos